Are Vision Boards Useless?

June 12th, 2019 - 4 minute read

May 28, 2019 - 4 minute read

Are Vision Boards Useless? 

Recently I was asked, "Well aren't vision boards useless? I mean sitting and sticking pictures and words to a piece of paper is hardly going to make all your dreams come true is it?"

So to that person I would say, "Yes, if you sit down and start a Vision Board with that mind set, that energy and that attitude you are probably going to find it useless." But, as always, there is another way, if you think differently. 

Here are my 6 steps to create a 'Vision-in-Action Board' that helps you create a life you dare to dream up. I call it that because you aren't going to simply stick pretty pictures and quotes on it, you are going to co-create bringing it to life. Vision-in-Action.

Step 1

Collect all the materials you will need if you are doing a physical board. I like to do mine on cork boards, but I've had clients do it on A3 or A1 card, even rolls of unused wallpaper. Ultimately don't procrastinate with the excuse you haven't got the right kit, find something and make it work. (An alternative might be if you are creating it in PINTEREST or in POWER POINT you'll only need a PC/Laptop.)

Step 2 

Take Clearing breaths for a minimum of 5 minutes, longer if you can, to ground and centre yourself. (Sounds very ‘new age’ but it's just an opportunity for you to clear your mind of the mental clutter, reset your energy so you can get at what's really going on in there.) This breathing will bring you clarity and help you reveal your needs and wants to you. 

Step 3

Start by thinking about what you have and love. Right now, today before you begin. Beginning by being grateful for what you have and what you are able to do gives you a great foundation to build on. In 'Law of Attraction' terms they call this creating a higher vibration. For me it's about recognising how lucky I am to be born in a country with no war, access to health care, clean running water, family and friends who love me, a beautiful home and the list goes on. If life is tough for you at the moment, or you are on the other side of a burnout or depression, then focus on the universal things around you. It's a sunny day, you enjoy your child's laughter, or the moon is full and looks beautiful in the sky, or you live near a wood and enjoy the peace of hearing the birds singing. Whatever you can tap into to be grateful start there.

Step 4

Now consider what you would like more of in your life. More laughter, more opportunities for space and light in your home, more opportunities for adventure or travel, more chances for quality time with your family or friends, more freedom in your work life. Here is where you start to think of the future. Ask this:

In 1 year/5 years/10 years from now what would you like life to be like?

It's up to you what time scale you put on this. (Sometimes when we are burnout looking too far ahead feels overwhelming, so looking a year ahead is a way to start the transformation that burnout can bring.)

What is missing from your life now, that you know would enhance it?
Get clear on what you don't want and then give it a spin. 
Step 5 
What is in your wildest dreams?

Now if you are in burnout, or energetically depleted, you might find it feels overwhelming to consider going large on your Vision board, so guess what you don't have to. If you don't want to who says you should? 'EEER nearly every self help book I've ever read Michala.' Well I say #sodtheshoulds. Seriously, if at this stage if what is stopping you is the pressure of going large then don't. Simply go with all the small things (which to someone else may be BIG anyway you know) and love the Vision you are creating.  

Alternatively, if you aren't too overwhelmed think of this; what if you simply put in on there.
What harm can it do?
If you were working with me I'd ask you to look at that family dream trip to the Grand Canyon and ask, 'What do you want out of that trip? I'd ask, 'What is it that pulls you to have that experience?' From that we can work out how you can get some of that experience in your life weekly, monthly or annually, before we even look at getting you to fly in a helicopter above the Grand Canyon. 

Step 6

What's the plan Stan?

How are you going to bring that board to life? If it sits on the paper it won't work by osmosis. When I first heard about 'manifesting' and 'putting things out to the Universe', I thought, 'What a load of old cobblers!'

Just saying I want £1 million won't make it happen will it, otherwise everyone would be at it! However, along with your Vision, as well as any other way you care to manifest, by asking questions like, 'What will I do today to make X happen?' or 'How will I attract Y into my life this month?' or 'What action will I take this year to do Z?' and then actually taking said action, you are creating a situation whereby you are more likely to achieve what you set out to do. You are being solution focused and creating an energetic shift towards making it happen, and by all accounts the universe listens to that and you will see evidence of it happening. 

Create a step by step plan to achieve what you have posted on your Vision-in-Action Board and start to make it happen. 

So if the idea of putting your Vision into action is simply too overwhelming, or if you are ready to get stuck in and GO BIG, wherever you are at,  I would love to help you create a plan of action to take you closer, quicker to the life you dream of living, ensuring that on the way - you are living it daily. At the request of ladies who've worked with me before, and are ready to go to their NEXT LEVEL,  and because I want to RISE above the current energy,  I am putting on another of my BE Clear  and RISE Vision-in-Action Board Workshops online.

Join us on Friday October 14th at 7.30pm UK to create an energetic uprising. Here are the details.   Book now.  (  This workshop will be available for a full week in a private Facebook group, so don't worry if you can't join live on the Friday.)

Questions?  Comments?

I would love your feedback and comments about this article if it has made you stop and simply think about your current situation and how you are managing your energy.  

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