

Recently I was asked, "Well aren't vision boards useless? I mean sitting and sticking pictures and words to a piece of paper is hardly going to make all your dreams come true is it?" So to that person I would say, "Yes, if you sit down and start a Vision Board with that mind set and that attitude you are probably going to find it useless." But, as always, there is another way, if you think differently. 

Here are my 6 steps to create a Vision Board that helps you create the life of your dreams. Read on 

Will you join my Quiet Revolution?

I've been talking a lot about energy management and self care on Social Media lately. In my posts and in my Facebook groups


For far too long we purpose driven women in business have put ourselves too far down our priority list and that to me is the ultimate in not looking after you, managing your energy and your needs. 

You find yourself looking out for everyone else but yourself.

Is your team ok? Has your partner got everything he/she needs?

Are your children fully catered for, loved enough, given enough, hugged enough, nurtured enough, the list goes on? Have you looked after those family members that are in need? On top of that you worry about all the injustice and big issues going on in the world and your environment. And yes, they are all important in your life, but where are you in that?

You've stopped looking after you and the cracks are beginning to show. Well, that stops here. 

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Are you developing your MENTAL WEALTH?

If you are into Law of Attraction you’ll have heard all about living life at a HIGHER VIBRATION. As I understand it, in simple terms, this is a state of being open, curious, solution focused, action taking and positive. Lots of people present it as being positive all the time, which I think really puts some people off as they don’t believe it is possible to be in a positive state of mind all the time. I don’t either, but I do believe that it is possible to be in a Solution Focused state more often than not and this creates the higher vibrations, of which we hear so much about, creating what I like to call MENTAL WEALTH. 

Are you showing up energetically in your life and business? 

Are you? Honestly?
It’s a question I ask myself regularly, so I thought I’d ask you. 
Are you showing up energetically in your life? 

You know what I mean rocking up to work, but simply doing the easy stuff, moving papers round or booking in lots of unnecessary meetings in a bid to feel busy.

You could be watching a film with your partner, whilst checking social media every 5 minutes, so not really being in the moment with the person you love.

Or you might be at the park with the kids, whilst staring at your phone the whole time, even when they are screaming for your attention.

Are you engaged in all of the things you are doing? I mean present, focused and enthusiastic? 
Are you joyful about the relationships, the experiences and the things you have in your life? 
Are you confident and feel like you contribute? 

If you answered no to any of these, I’m not judging you, because I know I have too, and I know I will again in the future, because I’m human. What is MOST important is that we are asking the questions and finding ways to improve so that we make the most out of our lives. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be engaged and happy in your life is there?

You see these are uncomfortable questions, if we fear the answer is no, because now we have one of two choices: Stay as we are KNOWING we aren’t fully showing up in our life/business/work OR we look at how we might improve the situation and that can feel very uncomfortable.


One of the biggest commitments I made to myself several years ago was to give myself permission to put myself first in order to become the better, more productive and able to thrive in work, and out of work, being the version of me I wanted to be.
It used to be so different before I put into practice the tools and strategies I learnt during my personal development journey and gaining my accreditation as a Coach. I was working as a Senior Leader in a third sector organisation managing several teams and contracts, whilst bringing up two young girls and volunteering for several organisations.

I would do the hour long commute having dropped my girls in child care and then rush home, continuing unfinished conversations with colleagues on the hands free all the way home. I’d collect the girls, with one of them particularly strung out with the whole after school situation and we’d have a fractious hour/two hours of tea, bath, homework, then bed. My husband would arrive at some point in this cycle and pitch in, or retreat depending on everyone's mood. After which, I’d work some more to fit in the things I’d been unable to finish in the day, or I’d be involved in some event I’d not had the courage to say no to.

Life was like living in a hamster wheel and the frustrating thing was I’d been here before and I ought to have known better. I felt lonely and trapped with a million plates spinning and ready to drop.....Read on 

How saying no is a Super Power.

How often do you find yourself saying yes, when you really want to say no?
Often? Always? Sometimes?

Well, if it’s in often and always you need to read on. 

What happens to your energy emotionally and mentally when you do this? What happens to the way you feel about the person who has asked you? 

Do you feel uplifted, enthusiastic and raring to do what you’ve said? Or do you feel heavy, tired and resentful?

What’s the likelihood you are going to be at your best or enjoy what you are doing if it is the latter?

The other thing I’d ask is where do you find this happening most often? In your working world or in your home life?

Now the fact is, some of you are managing a high functioning People Pleaser saboteur and a High Achieving saboteur, which will have you convinced that you simply can’t say no when someone asks you to do something and it will give you a myriad of reasons why

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Are you an Imposter? 

You know what I mean. You tell yourself that people will find out that you aren’t as good as they think you are or you aren’t an ‘expert’, so who the hell are you to talk about X, Y or Z. 

Well, it’s a very common phenomenon with high achieving people, and often women, and is what psychologists call ‘Intellectual self doubt.’ 
The reason I decided to write this article is because this week I mentioned on my Facebook page that I was launching a my VIP coaching programme for ‘purpose driven women’ to support them to manage their energy to perform consistently throughout the day so that they can feel good about themselves again and avoid overwhelm; Create days that are focused, productive and filled with activity that is important to without the guilt so that they can have the financial and emotional success they desire, and time to enjoy it! 
I want to support them to create a lifestyle where they thrive emotionally, physically and mentally, which includes their work, but they aren’t a slave to it. I want them to manage the ‘imposter syndrome’, that inner critic voice and feel confident in their decision making and action taking as a female leader.

And oh the irony!! I had high achieving women messaging me saying they would love to be part of the programme and yet, they weren’t sure if they were high achieving enough, although they loved their purpose driven business!
WT… and it hit me. The women who need this the most, are the very women who won’t recognise themselves as high achievers because they haven’t got their hyper achiever saboteur under control!

Are you ready to channel the CEO in you?

Last year I was working with an amazing lady who had her own business in Financial Services. She was working every hour god sent to meet the needs of her many clients leaving her exhausted, resentful and a slave to the business that was supposed to give her freedom.
Freedom to spend time with her children, who were nearly grown up and who she rarely saw.
Freedom to enjoy her husband, who she’d not been on a night away with since before the children were born.
Freedom to pick and choose her work hours, which she never did because she let the clients run her diary.
It was no wonder she’d fallen out of love with the business and it was starting to impact on how she felt about herself. 
Working together over 10 sessions the results were incredible. 
She increased her client work and yet reduced her working hours. She went on several mini breaks with her husband and booked their first holiday alone. Plus she allowed herself to accept the help he was constantly offering her having refused it for years. She improved her relationship with her children and spent more quality time with them, as well as working with them to encourage them to contribute to the family home.
Her lightbulb moment was that she wasn’t leading her organisation it was leading her. 

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What to do when you have a 'wobble'.

If you've had a few wobbles in the last two weeks when fear, or volume of activity, have taken their toll on your overall purpose, then STOP! 
Stop whatever it is you are doing and take time to ask, what do those worried, tired, anxious, overwhelming feelings mean? 
Once you have sat with those feelings for a few minutes and understand where they are coming from, then you can begin the exciting work of deciding what you are going to do about those feelings. They are action signals and can be extremely helpful if you tap into your emotional intelligence and work with them. 
Are you going to wallow in them and let them take over completely?
Are you going to allow your mental and emotional energy to spiral down?
Are you going to give yourself a million excuses why you can't overcome them?
Are you going to lie down in a dark room and let life pass you by?
I hope the answer to the above is a rip roaring NO!! In the words of that famous philospher, Mufasa (from the Lion King ;-)), 'Remember who you are.'  Read on .....

Do you feel guilty as a purpose driven woman in business? 

What do you feel guilty about?
What standard of behaviour have you failed to live up to in your mind? Who set that standard?

Now, before I start I want to make it clear that I do think it's important we have rules of behaviour and laws in society, otherwise there would be chaos. However, I also see daily evidence of purpose driven women in business feeling guilty about all the things it appears they 'should' be doing.

  • If you work, you feel guilty you aren't at home with the kids

  • If you don't work, you feel guilty you aren't using the education, you put in years to gain, into practice in the field you trained for.

  • If you have time for yourself, you feel guilty that you aren't 100% available for your family or your work.

  • If you don't take time for yourself, you feel guilty that you aren't looking after you.

  • You feel guilty because you make more money than anyone in your family.

  • You feel guilty if you have to ask your family for financial support, when you don't earn as much as them.

Guilt can be such wasted energy. It can simply drag you down and make you feel rotten about yourself. It can keep you stuck and it can hold you back. So what to do?
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Have you got a 'Secret Squirrel' in your business?

You went into business wanting to be flexible and have personal freedom that allows you to pivot and be creative in ways that you just weren’t able to do when you were working for someone else. 
Am I right? 
As an entrepreneur you are highly motivated, you love starting new projects and you love creating new things. These are great qualities; however, if you have a ‘Secret Squirrel’ in your business this can cause you problems. 
I love nothing more than watching the red squirrels that visit my big oak tree. They run here, there, everywhere. They find acorns, they bury them. They get distracted by the two magpies that come to stand guard and then they forget where they put that nut! They jump from branch to branch and run up and down the tree using up huge amounts of energy. Is that happening to you? Read on ......

Outsource Your Overwhelm and Delegate Your Dissatisfaction.

I see you. You’re a purpose driven woman in business sat with a To Do List as long as your arm, and your leg. Feeling like there are not enough hours in the day to tackle all that needs to happen and all the while you are sinking deeper and deeper into listening to that Mean Little Cow voice (the inner critic) who is telling you that you are disorganised, dizzy and indecisive.

WRONG!! You’re simply carrying too much volume and you need to turn it down. 

Try this process and see how much better you feel and in control of what you are doing....

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Have you succumb to Christmas comparisonitis?

Christmas is a wonderful time. It’s a magical time where children are offered the joy of fairies and elves visiting them, and a magical man, who spends one night, giving children all over the world gifts from his bottomless sack of toys. It’s a time for Christians to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It’s a period for many religions to celebrate a variety of feasts and rituals.
It’s also a time of year that can be stress inducing as people do all the things they feel they should to be a good parent, daughter, husband, son, grandchild, employee. There’s the pressure of the most creative Elf on a shelf shenanigans and being able to home bake your own Christmas cake or host the most fabulous party. 
 The list goes on......

How do you cope as a leader when your world is falling apart?

As many of you know my dad died a year ago next Tuesday  and my beautiful auntie lost her battle young onset Alzheimer’s a few days before Christmas. Death is a part of life and we will all feel the impact of grief at some point in our life cycle, unless you haven’t loved of course, because grief is a result of losing someone you love. It’s the purest expression of the pain of losing it. I imagine this is a rare state of never being loved or loving. I am grateful to have lots of love in my life, including those I’ve lost.
Grief can hit people in many different ways and a lot will depend on the relationship you had with the person who died, how they died and how you handle these life changing moments......

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Resilience, creativity, flexibility and agility. 

How will you fill your tank up with these important resources?

Sod the bulk buying of toilet roll, these are the resources you need to be banking at the moment if you are a purpose driven woman in business. 

Enjoying resilience, creativity, flexibility, agility and adaptability is a core strength of being a small to medium sized business. 
No change by committee. 
No long drawn out decision making that needs signing off by 5 departments.

You can respond in a situation in real time and find the positive response that will make the best of a given situation. 

I’ve been so impressed this week by 3 businesses I know locally, or on line, who have used this difficult situation with the Corona Virus to step up or pivot to support themselves, their teams and/or the wider community. I wanted to share their stories, so that they can inspire you, especially if you are struggling to see a way forward right now. 
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10 steps to create Mental Wealth during these challenging times.

These are challenging times, and to ignore that fact would be delusional. Everyone’s situation will be different but there is a collective energy in the fear of what might be and your brain will be in survival mode, signalling all the ways you might be in danger. 

If you are experiencing anxiety, that’s a normal reaction. 
If you feel stuck and unmotivated, that’s a normal reaction.
If this has lit a fire in your belly, you love crisis management and you’ve stepped up to lead and support, that’s a normal reaction.

Fight, flight, freeze is exactly what is happening here. 

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Stop Managing TIME. Start Managing ENERGY!

There are a million and one experts out there telling you how to be more productive. 

Although most of them probably have brilliant tips, hacks or tricks, they won't really revolutionise your life. 

Until you learn to manage your energy, you will be constantly knackered and exhausted. 

So, let’s get on with helping you manage your energy. 

First, what is Energy Management the Wood for the Trees Way?

Well, it’s a multi-dimensional skill set which enables us to calm and relax ourselves in times of stress, overwhelm and panic or fire ourselves up when we are in times of lethargy, demotivation and at worst depression .* It’s you ability to return to your performance sweet spot, where you feel engaged, confident and joyful. 

Who doesn’t want that? READ MORE>>>>

What is your Mean Little Cow voice saying? 

I've given the negative voice, that tries to sabotage my best efforts at doing great things, a nick name. She's my "mean little cow". Not nice I know, but sometimes she's not nice either! 

John Williams in his fantastic book, "Screw Work, Let's Play." Talks about training your 'Top Dog'. We all have a negative voice inside that may tell us we 'shouldn't be doing this or that', it tells us we are a bit rubbish when we make a mistake or that we shouldn't be attempting x, y or z because that's for other, more successful, people. 

For some people it's a little voice, for others it dominates the conversation. Find out more about how to manage yours...

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What if we purpose driven women became the CEO of our home (or even Managing Partnership?) 

Top tips for the productivity and clarity you have in work, at home. 

Have you ever worked with a team towards a vision or mission by setting SMART targets, celebrating small successes and maintaining great patience when there is a crisis, skills shortage or conflict? 

Did you then walk through the door at home and shout at your husband for not doing X,Y and Z properly? Bawl at the kids throughout the whole bath/bed routine? Finally, having shovelled down food, of some description, slump in a chair in front of the TV leaving all the things that need doing around you pile up and make you feel worse? 

Yep, I've been there too and it wasn't funny. When all of our emotional energy is given to one area of our lives we tend to have nothing left for the rest. This was very much me when I was a senior manager in the Third Sector and one of the reasons I set up Wood for the Trees Coaching. 

What if we applied some of the principles of our working lives to our homes? If you run your own business, is it possible to transfer some of the good practice to your home life?

What if we gave the energy in our personal life the same attention and focus?
Because let’s face it, the energy from each leaks into both. READ MORE>>>>>

Is it easy for you as an ambitious woman to ‘Sod the Shoulds’?

In the early days of my business I shared this blog and I thought it might be relevant to share this story again if you are feeling heavy under the weight of all your SHOULDS.

(It's 2015)  I've just come off a phone call with my lovely mum, who I love dearly.  

Mum'll kill me for writing this, but that's why I am going to share our conversation with you, because I shouldn't! 

Now rebellion and rule breaking don't come easily to me. I have battled with the people pleaser saboteur all my life and our conversation will show you why.

What if money isn’t enough?

Having talked to 100s of purpose driven women in business over the last 6 years, one thing has become clear. Many of them shy away from putting money into their success definition. 

For some it’s because they have given up
top salaries and high profile roles because their burnout led them to believe that money can’t buy them happiness. 

For some it’s because they have a passion and desire to do good things in the world and
financial reward doesn’t appear to be the primary driver in their business. 

For some it’s because they have been taught that
seeking wealth is vulgar or selfish. 

Whatever the underlying reason, it becomes clear when using my 5 step process to define success that these beliefs will be the very thing that will stop their business success and create a
financial ceiling that they will continually sabotage themselves from breaking through. 

So, I ask you.

What are you
making money mean about you or about others? 

What judgement are you placing on yourself or others? 

What would creating a lot of money mean for you?

Once you’ve thought about that. 

Consider this. READ MORE ......

Why is your Vision Board a Working Document and how can it work for YOU?

You will have heard a lot, if you follow Law of Attraction teachers, about setting intentions, taking action and manifesting your dreams. Too often though in this field there is a big focus on you being energetically ‘to blame’ and finger pointing around your ability to manifest effectively (Not everyone, but there is definitely an element of this that I have witnessed.)

I’m not a fan of this type of shaming and I much prefer the approach I take to Vision Boards as a working document that feeds our strategy and helps us to align energetically with what we want at our heart. If you didn’t ‘manifest’ what you intended it’s a learning and growing  opportunity NOT an opportunity to beat yourself with a blame stick. It’s a chance to refine the process and then take inspired action to get to your next level.

How does it work? ....

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Sod the Resolutions. Vive the Visionary Revolution.

 I'm not a big believer in New Year's resolutions as I think waiting for a new year to make changes is a waste of time, especially if you need to make a change in May! However, if Christmas and Covid have left you feeling like a pulled cracker, perhaps this is one of many times to start afresh and create the best Vision of life you can imagine. 

There is something about this time of year, like a new school term or the beginning of Spring that has a renewal energy about it, but it’s proven that resolutions don’t work. According to Forbes, “Studies have shown that less than 25% of
people actually stay committed to their resolutions after just 30 days, and only 8% accomplish them.” Read on ...

Burnout won't allow your Vision to be realised.

Burnout has many symptoms and is a sign that you have physically, mentally and emotionally depleted your internal resources.

​Some key symptoms include:

  • Loss of enjoyment in activities that used to be pleasurable.
  • Chronic tiredness - lacking energy and tired everyday.
  • Resentment towards others at home and at work.
  • Disconnection and isolation from those around you.
  • Lack of concentration/effectiveness
  • Reduced productivity
  • Loss of appetite
  • Panic/anxiety
  • Reactive depression.
    (Maslach Inventory)

If you recognise these symptoms first seek professional medical help as you may need additional support, including medical treatment or counselling.

Also now that this is a normal, human reaction to our body experiencing stress over a prolonged time without us listening to the many action signals you’ve been sending to yourself, but ignoring.

Burnout is simply the body saying enough is enough.

Read on to use this opportunity for expansion....

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Can't see the wood for the trees?

Are you living life by the right metaphors?

In 2012 I had one of the most eye opening  and hardest weekends of my life, but one of the most enlightening. 

Following an amazing healing retreat with ClearMinds International, I woke up to the fact that for a large part of my life I had been living life on a rollercoaster. 

What do I mean? 

Well, I strongly believe that we live life in metaphors and some of them give us power, make us stronger, happier and more fulfilled. However, some of them make us feel weak, unable to be positive and are downright destructive.  It’s pretty simple when you think about it.

A metaphor is when we communicate a concept and liken it to something else. So if I were to describe how I am feeling by saying , “My head is exploding.” What does that tell you about how I feel? Would you think I felt happy, peaceful and content with the world or would it tell you I felt chaotic, overwhelmed and distressed. 

Now we surround ourselves with metaphors all day from the journey to work, or school run in the morning, to the minute we sit down for tea at night. (Well in none pandemic  times)

What we aren’t aware of is how much impact these metaphors have on us. 

If we go around thinking I’ve got the ‘weight of the world on my shoulders’ or I’m ‘at the end of my tether’ or I ‘can’t see the wood for the trees’, do you think it is likely we are going to have a day filled with happiness and be productive? ...


Where did you find the time to write books?

The Secret to doing what YOU want.

This question has been asked to me several times this year as I  published my second book.

If you’d asked me 6 years ago where would you find the time to write a book? The answer would have been, ‘I don’t know.’ 

Had you asked me, Can you write a book?’ I’d have answered, ‘Me? How can I write a book.‘  But I have and I did, twice now (and contributed to a 3rd!)

I jokingly call myself an accidental author’, but I’m doing myself a disservice because the fact is I created a Vision with these books as part of it, and I made it happen. So not an accident at all.

 Living proof that if you want it, you make space for it in your Vision and take action on it, there is very little you can’t do! 

How did I do it?

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Feeling foggy and flat? How do you identify that next level, visionary action? 4 steps back to you.

We’ve all been there. 

Perhaps you’ve just finished a big project/launch and are in a ‘project/launch hangover’

Or maybe your business has had a big growth surge and you’ve caught up with yourself, but now feel a bit tired and flat. 

Or maybe the global pandemic has left you feeling like you’ve just come out of the tumble dryer. 

Whatever your situation, know that this is temporary and there are lots of things you can do to step back into your Visionary energy.

How to live your Vision NOW!

When I deliver my Be Clear and Rise Vision Board Workshop I talk a lot about exploring and identifying parts of your Vision you can live now. Of course the 6 figure income and working 4 hours a week are sexy talking points, but they aren’t everyone’s Vision of life and business. 

Also, it doesn’t always take a ‘quantum leap’ or a tonne of limiting belief busting or soul searching to find that pot of gold under your nose. 

Here are some stories from VIP Visionary Lounge members and previous Workshop visionaries who beautifully demonstrate the Extraordinary in the Ordinary. 


How do you work with your

Masculine and Feminine energy to live your Vision?

Energy management is such an important part of living your Vision. Without it purpose driven business women can feel off kilter, overwhelmed and dissatisfied. 

It was really interesting to come across the concept of ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ energy and how impactful it can be when we get stuck too much in one or the other. 

I thought I’d focus on it this week, as it’s been a hot topic recently with the members of my VIP Visionary Lounge.

What is Masculine and Feminine Energy?...... 

Going for, going for goals.

Do you love them or loathe them?

One of the reasons I'm passionate about Vision Boards is that it is a great start on the path to creating your goals. It's where you want to head towards. By picturing what it is you want to achieve and committing it to a board, you start the process of pre-suasion that allows your brain to accept the desired outcome as a reality.

Energetically, you are starting to bring it to life.

So many people shy away from creating Vision Boards or fear setting goals.  If that is you READ ON>>>>>>

The Power of Vision for Productivity, Profitability and Performance

What is Vision?

In simplest terms it’s a description of a person’s or organisation’s aspirations and wider impact.

In business terms it is the driving force of the business and will be used by the originator of the business to communicate the direction they want to head in, lead teams and will guide the decisions made to make that happen. 

Think of any celebrated company in the world and they will have a Vision (and usually Mission) statement. 

READ ON>>>>>>

Are you having enough fun as an adult?

Are you? 

I asked the question on my Facebook profile recently, “What’s the most fun you’ve had as an adult?” 

I loved the responses. Want to know what they were?

READ ON >>>>>>>

How can increased Emotional Intelligence impact on your performance as a female leader?

Female leaders are often accused of being ‘over emotional’ and ‘too people focused’, as if that is a bad thing. There is in fact a place for emotion in the work place.

The world of work needs both
task focused and people focused people to work together, both have emotions.  I know when I was recruiting people I wanted to see passion, excitement, engagement. I wanted to know they cared and felt a strong connection with our work and the people we were serving. The same way I feel about the clients I work with now. 

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Visionary Lessons learnt from the Intensive Care Suite

As many of you may remember on September 7th 2017 my dad was bringing in the washing, as it had started to rain, and slipped. According to the surgeon he must have gone down ‘like a tree’ (The irony of this simile didn’t escape me). He banged the back of head with such force that he effectively snapped the bones in his neck in 3 places and suffered a spinal compression. Within minutes, life as we knew it turned upside down.

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Energetic Alignment. What’s that all about? 

Know your core values and unlock your next level

There is so much jargon in the personal development world and I’m passionate about demystifying what I understand of it in order that purpose driven visionaries can understand and apply the principles to making their lives extraordinary. 

What is energetic alignment? 

The way I understand it, it is when you feel deeply connected to your purpose. You can see beyond your limitations and you feel little or no resistance to it. 

You are performing in your energetic sweet spot where you feel in tune with yourself, your needs and your desires. You are able to move from high to low energy with ease and are as comfortable in action, as you are in recovery. 

READ ON >>>>>>

5 benefits to prioritise YOU

I don’t know about you, but the words self-care and self-love are repeated in the online space so often, they are becoming more buzzwords that make them a bit annoying to the ear!

However, they are important. 

It is so important that I put “Self-care” as the first pillar to success in my 3 pillar model (with Mind set and Strategy coming next). 

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Search for fun and you will find it

Oh my goodness, there is a global weariness about isn’t there? I can feel it in my clients, in my online communities and for myself. 

This pandemic and the chopping and changing of rules. The feeling that it isn’t getting any better on the horizon is an energetic drain. It’s not surprising if you look at Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need. Our basic need for good health, personal safety and resources are being threatened in a way that is very different to our previous experiences. No wonder the fight, flight, freeze response is being triggered.

READ ON >>>>>

Who are you calling a Cow?

Managing your self talk for self acceptance.

When I was about 9 or 10 something changed in my relationship with my little sister. (My little sister that's just less than a year younger than me.) We went from being inseparable and loving to fighting and arguing in the blink of an eye. 

All of sudden we went from begging each other to sleep in each others' beds, (Me, because I am always cold and she was the main source of central heating in the days when not everyone had central heating. Her, because she was scared of the dark and the mere mention of Dracula would have her jumping her lovely, hot body into my bed.) to not being able to stand in the same room with each other. 

Maybe it's because we shared a room and we were getting to the age where you want your own space, or maybe it was pre-teen hormones kicking in, whatever it was we started to be seriously mean to each other. 

READ ON >>>>>

How to manage your energy when there is a major global event

When there are major global events occurring like the pandemic, or the current situation in Ukraine, there is a wave of collective fear and anxiety. The world feels heavy and chaotic. If you are highly empathetic, as I am, and see videos of children screaming or missiles flying overhead it can feel overwhelming.  (Not as overwhelming as being there of course, but it is still a relevant experience.)

This happened to me on Thursday/Friday last week. I felt I needed to take a breath as I was caught up in news broadcasts and social media posts

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Looking for support for your Teen/Tween to build self acceptance and confidence?

In the pursuit of Living your Vision now I hope I’ve never given the impression anything is perfect in my life or that I am perfect.

I’m a work in progress like anyone, and particularly as a parent.

The teenage years throw up challenges and situations you can barely conceive of when you have a cute 3 year old dancing around to Iggle Piggle or jumping up and down to Peppa Pig.

READ ON >>>>>

Are you shying away from being the Transformational Leader you are?

Do you run your own purpose driven business? 

Do you have a community of clients?

Do you employ or outsource parts of your business to other people? 

Have you got a Vision for your business that’s aligned to who you are and the impact you want to make in the world?

You are a leader

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Mr Boris Johnson, would you like some lessons in productivity and energy management?

Having recently read your comments about working from home, I would love to invite you onto my 90 Days to Be Clear and Rise coaching package. 

'My experience of working from home is you spend an awful lot of time making another cup of coffee and then, you know, getting up, walking very slowly to the fridge, hacking off a small piece of cheese, then walking very slowly back to your laptop and then forgetting what it was you're doing.' Boris Johnson, Prime Minister (interview in the Daily Mail 13th May 2022)

As a Performance and Mindset coach we can work specifically on the issues you highlight  above. 

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5 Steps to Navigate a Crossroads in Your Purpose Driven Business

We all come to crossroads in our business. Sometimes that can mean we need to restructure or redefine what we want our working day to look like. Sometimes it can mean we decide on a new product or service, whether to introduce it, or abandon one that hasn’t sold as well as you’d hoped. Sometimes it means you look to increase the support around you and grow/build a team or streamline if it gets out of hand. Whatever the scenario, please know it’s normal and part of your business journey. 

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Why do SMARTHabits© save you time, money and bring your Vision to life?

What the heck is a SMARTHabit©? 

SMARTHabits© are the
routine, rituals and coping tools you engage as a purpose driven visionary. They aim to energise, empower and give you motivation on days when you might be challenged. 

SMARTHabits© allow you to
manage your energy so that you can be happy, confident and engaged in all that you do. 

Working with 100s of visionaries over the years, it is clear that finding what works for you is a key ingredient to
productivity, profitability and performance. 

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Self care 6 ways for your purpose driven business.

When I talk about self care, what does it make you think of? 

Taking a long soak in the bath? 

Sitting quietly for 10 minutes with a cuppa?

Having a massage or doing a face mask? 

All of these are individually great ways to treat yourself, but they are not the whole self care picture. 

What is self care? 

At Wood for the Trees Coaching, I believe self care covers a myriad of aspects whereby you act as your
own best friend. 

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