next level energy

How to feel NEXT LEVEL energy now?

May 28, 2019 - 4 minute read

May 28, 2019 - 4 minute read

First, what is NEXT LEVEL energy? 

Well my definition is based in the belief that we all have the capacity to access a next level energy within ourselves.

It’s the consciousness that allows us to perform at our best, to feel aligned to our values and create new beliefs that ensure we meet our true potential. 

When this is happening we are mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically at the top of our game. When we manage this energy effectively, we can use it to do incredible things in the world.
Just to be clear, comparing your next level, to my next level is counter productive. Self awareness is critical to recognising what YOUR next level is. 

How do we access it then? 

1.Manage your energy, not time.

Managing your energy is a multi dimensional skill set which enables you to stay calm when you are in a stressful situation and to improve your mood when lethargic or down. On a scale of 1 to 10 (low to high) how good are you at managing your energy in times of challenge or moments of exhaustion? This is a great place to start being self aware to access that next level for yourself.

2. Coping strategies.

What coping strategies do you employ when faced with stress, boredom, risk? Do these help or hinder you? Understanding what you do in a given situation will help you identify where you are blocking your next level.

3. Take time for recovery.

High performance is dependent on recovery time if it is to be sustained long term. Your body will have a reaction to long term stress on a physiological level if you don’t give yourself time to recover from it. Look at athletes for inspiration. They may push themselves to the limit for a competition, but then they will ensure that they give themselves relaxation and recovery time in order to optimise their performance at their next level.

4. Adopt SMART Habits.

As Will Durant stated, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” (Yes, not Aristotle.) Now there are a million things I could tell you you should do, but you know I say sod the shoulds. Again, gain some self awareness around this. 

Is a 5am start just a ridiculous notion that won’t work with your late night teenager or the baby waking you 3 times in the night? 

If so, sod it, don’t do that, but then do look at what night and morning routines will support and nurture your next level energy. 

Your SMARTHabits will ensure you are perfoming at your next level so be mindful of what they are and commit to them. 

If you'd like to gain a bit of clarity around how you are managing your energy and what you can do to make a positive change then I invite you to take the free ENERGY MANAGEMENT AUDIT by clicking HERE. 

Questions?  Comments?

I would love your feedback and comments about this article if it has made you stop and simply think about your current situation and how you are managing your energy.  

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