Outsource Your Overwhelm

Outsource Your Overwhelm and Delegate your Dissatisfaction.

4th December, 2019 -  3 minute read

May 28, 2019 - 4 minute read

I see you. You’re a purpose driven woman in business sat with a To Do List as long as your arm, and your leg. Feeling like there are not enough hours in the day to tackle all that needs to happen and all the while you are sinking deeper and deeper into listening to that Mean Little Cow voice (the inner critic) who is telling you that you are disorganised, dizzy and indecisive.

WRONG!! You’re simply carrying too much volume and you need to turn it down.

Try this process and see how much better you feel and in control of what you are doing.

3 steps forward 
First, HEAD TIP! 

Write out every little job that is in your head. Now group them into areas.
HOME. BUSINESS/WORK. KIDS. SOCIAL LIFE. Whatever is important to you. 


Which ones of these can you ditch. Get rid. If they aren’t important to you, aren’t on your agenda, are draining your mental and emotional energy or not a priority then cross them out and forget them. 


If you don’t feel able to ditch them, who can you delegate the job to? Who can you outsource the work to do it for you? A Cleaner, a social media manager, a VA, a bookkeeper, a Personal Assistant? Who do you need on YOUR Team?

(Got blocks with this, book me immediately!)

 Manage Your energy NOT your time. 

Finally, anything that gets left on the list is given a time guestimate (if it’s a big project, break it down into smaller tasks and consideer increasing the time you THINK it will take, underestimating often leaves clients feeling on the back foot.) and then prioritise in terms of impactful importance.You know the things that will actually have an impact on creating your bigger Vision and life.

Using that list you can block time and decide WHAT IS GETTING ON YOUR TITS TODAY? (Top Important Tasks) and then schedule depending on when you are energetically at your best to do each task with the most efficiency, in flow and effectively. Your energy may peak and trough at different points in the day. You can gain awareness and work on the most important tasks in your most productive energy. You'll get double done.
It frustrates me so much to see high achieving ladies wallowing in overwhelm. Start outsourcing your overwhelm and delegating your dissatisfaction. 

You do not have to do it all to have it all. 
Repeat after me: I do not have to do it all to have it all. 

Because if you think that all of the highest achieving women you look up to, or in your peer group, are doing it all, then you are very much mistaken. All of the women I look up to have a solid team of people that they delegate to effectively at home AND at work, or in their business, which only supports their growth, increases their credibility and gives them the opportunity to perform at their highest levels. I know it's helped me energetically everytime I've invested. 

"My absolute first recommendation if you are feeling overwhelmed is Michala Leyland, Wood for the Trees Coaching. She personally dragged me back from the brink of giving up on my business and crying everyday because I felt so overwhelmed. I cannot recommend her services, help and support highly enough." Rachel, UK. 
Questions?  Comments?

I would love your feedback and comments about this article if it has made you stop and simply think about your current situation and how you are managing your energy.  

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