Are you showing up energetically in your life and business?

Are you showing up energetically in your life and business?

17th September, 2019 - 4 minute read

May 28, 2019 - 4 minute read

Are you? Honestly?

It’s a question I ask myself regularly, so I thought I’d ask you. 

Are you showing up energetically in your life? 

You know what I mean rocking up to work, but simply doing the easy stuff, moving papers round or booking in lots of unnecessary meetings in a bid to feel busy.

You could be watching a film with your partner, whilst checking social media every 5 minutes, so not really being in the moment with the person you love.

Or, you might be at the park with the kids, whilst staring at your phone the whole time, even when they are screaming for your attention.

Are you engaged in all of the things you are doing? I mean present, focused and enthusiastic? 

Are you joyful about the relationships, the experiences and the things you have in your life? 

Are you confident and feel like you contribute? 

If you answered no to any of these, I’m not judging you, because I know I have too, and I know I will again in the future, because I’m human. What is MOST important is that we are asking the questions and finding ways to improve so that we make the most out of our lives. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be engaged and happy in your life is there?

You see these are uncomfortable questions, if we fear the answer is no, because now we have one of two choices: Stay as we are KNOWING we aren’t fully showing up in our life/business/work OR we look at how we might improve the situation and that can feel very uncomfortable.

Here at Wood for the Trees we believe that Clarity is Happiness. The clearer we are about What we are doing in our lives and business, the more able we are to create shifts and adopt habits and routines (SMARTHabits©2019) that will ensure we have our next level energy and can be at our best mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. So, the first step in showing up energetically in your life is to gain clarity on what is actually happening and why things aren’t as you’d like them if they aren’t. It’s ok to not be ok. We can release the emotions. Then, we look at how do we make things better and feel better and take action.
Secondly, it’s being honest without being cruel. You might find that Mean Little Cow voice starts shouting all sorts of insults at you about WHY you don’t feel you are showing up energetically. Listen, there may be a grain of truth! But DO NOT LINGER with that inner critic voice bringing you down. Find the real truth and then work out how you will use that to take Solution Focused action to change the way you feel about how engaged, joyful and confident you are. 

Thirdly, accept that it might take time to fully step into your next level energy. There may be some incredible initial shifts, and some lightbulb moments, that help you to decide which SMARTHabits ©2019 to adopt (Those routines, habits and rituals that support you in being the best at being you that you can be.) or a change of perspective that opens up a whole new feeling about you and your life, but rest assured that this is ongoing work. That said it can be very rewarding emotionally, mentally and financially. 

If you feel like there are aspects of your business where you feel flat, unfocused and foggy let’s take that first step together to gain clarity and to get have you shifting that energy so that you are present, focused and happy to lead your mission and live your vision. 

CLICK HERE to take the Energy Management Audit. You are a few questions away from gaining a little clarity around what you are doing and why? 

Questions?  Comments?

I would love your feedback and comments about this article if it has made you stop and simply think about your current situation and how you are managing your energy.  

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