STOP managing TIME. Start managing Energy.

STOP managing TIME.
Start managing Energy.

7th May , 2020 -  3 minute read

7th May 2020 - 3 minute read
 For your best productivity and to thrive.

There are a million and one experts out there telling you how to be more productive.

Although most of them probably have brilliant tips, hacks or tricks, they won't really revolutionise your life.

Until you learn to manage your energy, you will be constantly knackered and exhausted.

So, let’s get on with helping you manage your energy.

First, what is Energy Management the Wood for the Trees Way?

Well, it’s a multi-dimensional skill set which enables us to calm and relax ourselves in times of stress, overwhelm and panic or fire ourselves up when we are in times of lethargy, demotivation and at worst depression .* It’s you ability to return to your performance sweet spot, where you feel engaged, confident and joyful.

Who doesn’t want that?

The four dimensions of energy are mental, emotional, physical and spiritual (connection with ourselves, others and the universe, or god if you have a faith)

Having great self awareness around where we are in any given situation with these four dimensions can transform your life for good.

However, we live in a culture that has us focused on the wrong thing. We are obsessed by the clock ticking. We talk about 'running out of time', 'not enough hours in the day' and 'beatig the clock'.

In reality, this has clients, and those in my networks, feeling constantly less than and never good enough.

This pandemic has been a real revelation for some of the ladies in my network. They have realised that actually it isn’t time that has been an issue in their purpose driven business life, it’s their energy.

You see this situation, in many cases, has given them more time.

Time to connect with their kids and partners.

Time to work on their businesses.

Time to enjoy some self care.

Except they haven’t had the mental and emotional energy to do it. They have felt tired and exhausted by the whole world in crisis.

Yes, they have extra hours in the day with no school run, commute or irrelevant meetings, but they have no energy to do all the things they thought they wanted to do more of.

By managing their energy they could feel more connected, more aligned to their purpose and feel motivated in their business, they could enjoy and recharge with any time they take to nurture themselves.

They’ve recognised that it’s an energy, not a time issue, that can often hold them back.

I’m going to give you 4 key ways you can begin managing your energy rather than time, but first it’s important to say that you are at the centre of all of this and you have complete control of it. Having awareness of this is empowering and confidence building, which is why I am so passionate about spreading the word about it.

First, Respect your rhythms.  

We all have a natural rhythm.

 Do you know yours? 

Self awareness and tracking the highs and lows in your energy cycle can be a powerful exercise. It’s one of the first activities I ask clients to complete when we are working together. 
Knowing this can make all the difference to how your day turns out. Really knowing, throughout a month and beyond, when your peak performance time is, allows you to do more in less time. Especially as our menstrual cycle and menopause can have a big impact, and we mostly dismiss that information. Trained to 'just get on with it.'

It’s obvious really. If you do work in your low mental and emotional energy space on a task, that demands creativity, problem solving or physical performance, it will more often than not feel harder, heavier and less enjoyable. It will take more time. Think about a time this has happened to you? Am I right?

Second, Find a prioritisation tool that works for you. (LINKS HEREAND HERE FOR LATER )

Knowing this can make all the difference between being ‘ever so busy’ (which is what most of us are addicted to) and taking the truly impactful actions that ensure you are doing what’s most important to you in your life and business. When I work with clients this is aligned to the Vision, Success Definition, Mission and Goals they have discovered. It ensures that they are prioritising what’s truly important to them.

Third, Create SMARTHabits

What are the routines, rituals and habits that really help you feel in your best energy? Do you know? Could you find out? 

Making small, subtle changes to anything from what you are eating and drinking, to what time you go to bed or get up, how you plan your week or who you spend the most time with can have an incredible impact on the amount of energy you have to spend on the things and people you love the most. 


What does #sodtheshoulds mean?
It means releasing the heavy, resentful energy from any given activity, where you are telling yourself you ‘should’ be doing it (or someone else is telling you.)
 Literally decide you aren’t going to do it or delegate it to someone who loves doing it or do it knowing it’s important to YOU, so not a should at all. 
That way life is lighter, more engaging and you feel more confident.
Simples. (But not always easy) 

It is my mission to help you create more time in your business and stop the never ending battle with the clock.

 I won't give you a set spreadsheet or schedules
I won't tell you what to do or when 
I won't give you more complicated stuff to do

Instead I empower you to manage your energy instead. To make those decisions and gain the clarity you need to make them.

✔️ I will guide you to listen to yourself and to find what works for you 
✔️ I will show you how to be more productive.
✔️ You will get more done in less time 

If you are a purpose driven woman who wants to find hours in her day, feel more productive, confident and engaged in life and business, try my FREE ENERGY MANAGEMENT AUDIT TODAY.

*(Always consult a medical professional for support, if you believe you may have depression).

' I signed up for the 5 Day Resilience Reset to give me tools to prevent me reaching burn out. I could see signs in my behaviour and feeling that I was heading towards burn out. This week helped me put into place tools to bring me back level. Michala is very good at helping you feel supported and urges you on. The units were a great way of monitoring progress and splitting up the week. The roundup at the end of each day was great for accountability. I loved the supportive feel of the group. Thanks for a fab week!' PG, UK 
Questions?  Comments?

I would love your feedback and comments about this article if it has made you stop and simply think about your current situation and how you are managing your energy.  

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