Ten steps for great Mental Wealth

10 Steps to great Mental Wealth during challenging times.

6th April , 2020 -  4 minute read

6th April 2020 - 4 minute read
Find your way back to your best energy.

These are challenging times, and to ignore that fact would be delusional. Everyone’s situation will be different but there is a collective energy in the fear of what might be and your brain will be in survival mode, signalling all the ways you might be in danger.

If you are experiencing anxiety, that’s a normal reaction.

If you feel stuck and unmotivated, that’s a normal reaction.

If this has lit a fire in your belly, you love crisis management and you’ve stepped up to lead and support, that’s a normal reaction.

Fight, flight, freeze is exactly what is happening here.

This is a totally new and unknown situation. It’s triggering the amygdala, the part of the brain that tells us we are in danger. It will be impacting you in totally different ways, maybe you’ve had all 3 (I have) and that is ok too.

That said I don’t want to leave you in anxiety, fear and panic, because long term that isn’t a great energy to stay in as it can impact your health and wellbeing. It will eventually impact your ability to do business, so here are some ideas of things you can control in order to generate MENTAL WEALTH and spiral that mental and emotional energy up.

Remember these are not ‘shoulds’ (#sodtheshoulds), you choose which might work for you and use them accordingly. 

1. ROUTINE - Once the dust has settled, try to create some sort of routine. Add some structure to your day. This may be subject to change (particularly if you have children to add into the mix) but aiming for some semblance of a routine helps you feel more in control of your day. 

2. DRESS TO IMPRESS - Well not necessarily to impress (although wearing your favourite dress or suit can be happiness inducing), but after the initial novelty of being able to work/hang out in your PJs subsides, actually dressing, grooming and, if it helps you, putting on makeup can dramatically increase your mental, emotional and physical energy. Having worked at home for 5 years plus, this has definitely been something I’ve discovered about me.

3. GENERATE HAPPINESS - Take the daily exercise you are allowed. Half an hour to an hour of low or high impact exercise will be a great boost. Obviously observe the strict social distancing if you leave the house. This stimulation of serotonin and dopamine will fill your self care cup. Whack on some upbeat tunes. They can lift the spirits. It’s not to be underestimated.

4. STAY CONNECTED - Your spiritual energy is really important and when we are driven by fear we can sometimes retreat into our own shell. Find safe spaces in people; online groups or with family, where you can express your feelings, but be encouraged to stay in your best energy. Have some fun using virtual platforms like ZOOM to have a ‘WORK’S NIGHT IN’ or a ‘NIGHT IN WITH FRIENDS.’

5. NOURISH YOURSELF -Stay hydrated and well nourished. It’s easy for coping strategies like drinking more alcohol and comfort eating to creep in. Whilst a glass of wine or a slice of cake in moderation harms no one, over doing these things can have long term impact on health and physical/emotional energy. Take a conscious approach to your nutrition and the odd biscuit won’t harm you. 

6. ACCESS YOUR SOLUTION FOCUSED SUPERPOWER - There is a way to go from survival thinking to solution focused thinking if you consciously access it. If you can hear the downward spiral in your internal dialogue then take some clearing breaths and start to ask Solution Focused questions. E.G. If you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed, simply as What action can I take to feel calmer and more productive? Where can I get support with the volume of work I have at home or in work? What can I do to create great energy right now? See the difference. 

7. CUT EACH OTHER SOME SLACK - This starts in our family. Some people may be struggling. They may be lashing out. Your children may find the changes difficult. Look after your own self care needs in order to dig deep for the patience you need to manage their ups and downs. This may be the case in the workplace too. Some people may have risen to the challenge. Some may have lashed out and taken a very self motivated approach. Fear can trigger different responses in people so supporting them as much as you are able might be the best approach at this point. 

8. STAY PRESENT - ‘Catastrophising’ helps no one. I had my ‘what iffing’ downward wobble. It was a very bleak place. My worst case scenarios can be really catastrophic, it’s not a place to linger. Staying present and asking Solution Focused questions like, ‘How will I make the best of today?’ or ‘What can I do to make the best impact in my life and business right now?’ will have a huge impact on your mental wealth and your longer term ability to bounce back at the end of this. 

9. FIND THE FUN - How do you expect me to do that Michala, when the world is spinning on its axis? It’s the monthly theme in my Mental Wealth Club because I wanted my members to escape for a few minutes each day into a joy filled space. A place where viruses and threats to livelihoods doesn’t exist. Why do you think so many hilarious memes and videos have been created in the last month? It’s because laughter is the best medicine. It won’t cure the virus, but it will allow happy hormones to flow so that you stay healthy and happy, even if it is only for moments in a day. 

10.  GRATITUDE - Again, having a gratitude practice may feel difficult at the moment, but it might make all the difference between you taking this crisis in your stride or you spiralling down. Find a few things every day that you can be grateful for. 

Your daughter laughed at your rubbish joke.
The birds are singing. 
You went for a walk.
The sky is blue. 
You posted something of value on social media.
The cherry blossom is divine. 
You were able to donate food to the food bank.
Those rainbows in the windows symbolising hope are wonderful. 
You helped a neighbour or a customer.
The moon looked amazing. 
You clapped for the care workers.
You hugged your partner.
You made money to support your family and keep the economy going. 
You FINALLY got through on the emergency support hotline.
You spoke to your parent(s) and they are staying safe.

It’s the little things that count. 
If nothing else this situation is teaching us that. 

I hope you can find something here that helps you find a way through and out the other side of this in a mentally wealthy way. Above all be kind to you, and don’t beat yourself up if you aren’t in top gear at the moment. 

If you would like to find a way back to you, there is always my Mental Wealth Club. Despite whatever life throws at us we release the energy that drags us down and we think solution focused thoughts to rise up and create inner richness. JOIN US and create your own MENTAL WEALTH (CLICK HERE).

'I love Michala. Fact. Supportive, empathetic and encouraging. Michala invites you to consider things from an alternative perspective and asks some powerful questions. Before the session I felt like I was just stumbling along. Afterwards, I realised that actually I am the one in the driving seat and I can decide which direction my business is going in. With Michala's support I am now reviewing my pricing strategy and feel more able to increase my income.' Clair Stevenson
Questions?  Comments?

I would love your feedback and comments about this article if it has made you stop and simply think about your current situation and how you are managing your energy.  

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