How to cope as a purpose driven woman when your world feels like it's falling apart.

How to cope as a purpose driven women when it feels like your world is falling apart.

12th January, 2020 -  4 minute read

May 28, 2019 - 4 minute read

As many of you know my dad died a year ago this Tuesday and my beautiful auntie lost her battle young onset Alzheimer’s a few days before Christmas. Death is a part of life and we will all feel the impact of grief at some point in our life cycle, unless you haven’t loved of course, because grief is a result of losing someone you love. It’s the purest expression of the pain of losing it. I imagine this is a rare state of never being loved or loving. I am grateful to have lots of love in my life, including those I’ve lost.

Grief can hit people in many different ways and a lot will depend on the relationship you had with the person who died, how they died and how you handle these life changing moments.

I have to be honest, I have struggled at times this year, not just with my dad’s death, but with the 32 months of multiple weekly hospital visits, several emergency situations where we nearly lost him, his coming home with an inadequate care package (once they got it right things improved) and managing my business, my home life and myself. Plus, my auntie’s death is heartbreaking and her funeral next week will be very difficult, as although I’ve wanted her not to suffer, I don’t want to let her go. It's too soon. She's too young. It's cruel and unfair.

Truth be told, if I hadn’t had the tools and strategies I have built up over the years and reached out for support, personally and professionally, when I needed it, then it could have been a lot worse for me! Consequently, the last few launches of my 90 Days to Thrive programme haven’t unfolded in the way that I’d planned. But as I always say, ‘Planning is King. Flexibility is Queen.’ This has applied so much in the last three years and has kept me sane. It's kept me showing up for my family, clients, membership club and me.

For you it may not be a bereavement that has thrown your life in a spin, it might be new found carer responsibilities, it might be the birth of a baby (as joyful as this is, no one prepares you for how it will change your life forever) or the worst, the death of a baby. It might be a divorce or looking after a troubled teenager or a combination of all of the above. Burnout often happens when these ‘life’ events are thrown on to an already overloaded plate. All of these life events can shake the foundations of your life and it’s important to recognise that you have control and no control of the situation.

No control because things like this ARE going to happen. It is life, it is part of the light and shade, the yin and yang. Our family motto has become, ‘It is what it is.’

Control because the ONLY control you have is how you handle it. Therefore, I’ve summed up some of the learning from my experiences of managing my energy and performance over this last couple of years.

So I write this blog to support you through any challenges you may be facing, particulary grief.

5 tips to manage big life events
How do you cope?
Have a conscious awareness around what your ‘go to’ coping strategies are and see if they actually help or hinder you? The odd glass of wine won’t kill you, but drinking a bottle a night to ‘take the edge off’ can creep up on people and become a problem. For me in the past, my ‘escape’ of choice used to be to work myself until I fell over. This year it’s been occasionally escaping into a Box Set late at night or scrolling Facebook, which won’t kill you, but will waste precious hours and make you sluggish. I caught myself doing this and have replaced it with more yoga and running, which will increase my energy and support my performance long term. Look at your coping strategies, how are they helping you?

2. Who do you talk to?
Stay in connection with those you can trust with your vulnerability. If you find yourself disconnecting ask yourself why you are doing it? How do you think you are protecting yourself? Do you think your friends or family are sick of hearing you? Do you want to scream and shout about the injustice of what is happening? Do you feel guilty getting on with your life? Don’t feel embarrassed or ashamed of your feelings, they are perfectly human and you will find comfort being heard by someone you trust. Find someone you can talk to and share these feelings with. It might be family, colleagues or friends. It might be a professional like a counsellor, coach or a local organisation? Stay connected, you don’t have to be alone. 

3. Are you wearing a mask?
When we have these big emotional events more often than not we mask them as we continue with life as 'normal'. We push them down or numb them out with some of the coping strategies like over shopping, taking drugs, over eating, or not eating, or gambling. More often than not they leak out as we become snappy or more disconnected etc. It’s important to feel the emotions to let the energy out of the body. If you need to cry, find a safe space to cry. If you are angry, find an outlet whether it be high impact aerobics or running, punching a pillow ,screaming out loud in the car or meditating it away. Whatever works for you. Let the energy out. It’s coming out anyway, but if it leaks out it is more destructive to you and those around you. Rather consciously let it out and return to a peaceful state that is more able to manage things. As a leader consider sharing some of your personal situation with your colleagues as you can have a lasting impact on creating a compassionate culture which supports people in difficult times. Do it in a way that leads by example. 

4. Are you kind to you?
I’ve been doing a lot of shoulding this week. (Ironic for the #sodtheshoulds coach eh?) Where I should be by now, how I should be moving things forward faster, how I should be live on social media and doing more with the launch of 90 Days to Thrive - Energy Management Movement and the other priorities in my home and business. I’d started to listen to the Mean Little Cow voice and it was dragging me down. I used many of the tools and joined in with the 5 Day Energy Reboot I was delivering in my Next Level Woman’s Club. I shifted the energy of the shoulds to rid me of the thoughts that were blocking me. I replaced them with aligned action. It also made me realise that my auntie only died 3 weeks ago the day I'm writing this, my dad’s anniversary is round the corner and the reality is I am still grieving. I need space for that, not to wallow, but to do all of the things mentioned above. I need to show myself the same compassion I’d show my friends or family. It will all evolve exactly as it is meant to, so I don’t need to rush or worry. Neither do you, be your own best friend.

5. How grateful are you?

As always, one of the practices that has the greatest impact on mood, thoughts, momentum is the act of Gratitude. A consistent gratitude practice can be a magical thing and it’s something I have held onto this whole time. Even on some of the darkest days I have been able to list things that light up my life. During a period over the New Year weekend I felt very low, so I spent 30 minutes creating 3 x 2 minute videos of my year and I could see immediately what a fun, amazing life I have, despite these difficulties. Gratitude is an important part of the resilience tool kit as it lends perspective when the dark is shutting it out. Consider all that you are grateful for in your life and I can guarantee it will put a smile on your face right now.

6. How will you honour their memory?

Each of you will be different, but for me it's about seeing that life is too short and each hour is precious, so I don't want to waste it. My dad died aged 66. My auntie 61. If I do the same, I've only 20 years left! I’m not going to live in the FEAR of that, rather see each day is a gift and it is important to make conscious decisions that help you live success and happiness your way. #sodtheshoulds It makes me more determined to help purpose driven women, who are in burnout, find peace and happiness with themselves, so that they can enjoy what they have and have more of it.

If you are going through a challenging time, I hope these reminders of how you can look after you in the middle of it do help on some level. If I can help in any way, you know where I am, book a Clarity call today. 

"I've achieved an amazing shift in my outlook during the 5 DAY ENERGY REBOOT. Yes, I do do a great deal and instead of thinking, 'I'm so busy.' all the time, I can celebrate that I am grateful for all these opportunities and roles I have. Fine tuning the balance that works for me, is now the focus. Thank you Michala." JB, UK 
Questions?  Comments?

I would love your feedback and comments about this article if it has made you stop and simply think about your current situation and how you are managing your energy.  

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