25th September, 2019 - 4 minute read

May 28, 2019 - 4 minute read

One of the biggest commitments I made to myself several years ago was to give myself permission to put myself first in order to become the better, more productive and able to thrive in work, and out of work, being the version of me I wanted to be.
It used to be so different before I put into practice the tools and strategies I learnt during my personal development journey and gaining my accreditation as a Coach. I was working as a Senior Leader in a third sector organisation managing several teams and contracts, whilst bringing up two young girls and volunteering for several organisations.

I would do the hour long commute having dropped my girls in child care and then rush home, continuing unfinished conversations with colleagues on the hands free all the way home. I’d collect the girls, with one of them particularly strung out with the whole after school situation and we’d have a fractious hour/two hours of tea, bath, homework, then bed. My husband would arrive at some point in this cycle and pitch in, or retreat depending on everyone's mood. After which, I’d work some more to fit in the things I’d been unable to finish in the day, or I’d be involved in some event I’d not had the courage to say no to.

Life was like living in a hamster wheel and the frustrating thing was I’d been here before and I ought to have known better. I felt lonely and trapped with a million plates spinning and ready to drop.
I had money and status, and whilst the people and the organisation were great, I knew I’d been drawn into a setting that meant I was no longer doing the face to face work I loved. It was mostly box ticking and number crunching to meet targets.I wasn’t working to my strengths. 
One day I picked my daughters up and my eldest was in bits. It was several weeks on the row she’d been crying and was whining about what we were having for tea. I snapped. I blew up and shouted right in her face and then immediately locked myself in my bedroom ashamed of my behaviour.

What's going to be your rock bottom for change?

I knew right then something had to change and I knew that I had to look at how we were living and how we could make positive changes that would improve our lives. I’d started a Life Coaching course a couple of year’s before, and ironically hadn’t finished it owing to my nana needing me to make her a priority in her final years, and a variety of other reasons, as well as some excuses if I’m honest. I made the decision to leave work as soon as I could, created an exit plan and to complete the course I started.
I used the tools that I had been learning through my accreditation and personal development reading to make some significant changes in my life, which allowed me to assess what I was doing and why.

It helped me to see that I wanted to set up a business to help other women just like me. Senior leaders in business who felt lonely at the top, burnt out with all the different hats they have to wear and a sense of powerless to do things differently in order to help them feel happy with themselves in the middle of it all. 

And so I did and 5 years later life is so different.

Before I would miss meals and not drink all day, because I convinced myself I was too busy, now I make my self care a priority and plan my nourishment into my day.
Before I convinced myself that the only way to prove my worth in work was to work harder and wear that busy badge of honour we love to wear, now I outsource and delegate much more consciously at work AND at home in order to allow me to have it all, without doing it all. (And as I scale my business I feel very comfortable letting more and more of the tasks I'm not as good at, or don't like, to people who are good at it and do like it.)

Before I would feel stressed if my daughters were ill or there was a school show I wanted to see. I would often feel guilty and put the business ahead of my children, now I give myself permission to take time needed when they are ill or block time to see the school show, without guilt.

Before I was sliding into a burn out and it was impacting on my decision making and my confidence to say no to projects and people when they wanted me to do something ,for fear of being seen as incapable, now I feel confident choosing work that lights me up and work to my strengths and passing on opportunities that aren't right for me, because it's better for everyone concerned if I'm not over stretched. You get the best of me and I am more resilient.

Before I would work 60 hour weeks and never feel like it was enough, now I work an average 30 hour week and I am fully present with my children and family most evenings and weekends.
Before I wasn't managing my days effectively and often felt chaotic and resentful of people adding pressure on me, now I have systems and strategies to create next level productivity and focus in my week, which has allowed me to write a book, run my business by working with 100s of my ideal clients off and on line, creating and developing workshops and materials to serve these amazing ladies and their organisations. 
And I want this for you too. If you are a purpose driven women in a corporate setting that feels like she's in a hamster wheel, or an online entrepreneur who is living your mission that you desired from your business, but you are a slave to it, or if you are a senior leader in the public sector exhausted by the constant changes and directives that are thrown at you, I want to work with you. 
I want to help you find your way to a happier, more contented lifestyle where you thrive at the heart of all you do, where you have it all, without doing it all, without the guilt. 

Why am I telling you my story? Well, I want you to know it can be different, if you want to commit to looking out for you and making changes that will have a significant impact on your well-being, resilience, confidence and productivity, then book me now for a FREE 30 minute Clarity Call and we can discuss what you need. Isn't it about time you put you higher up the priority list? Book that call with me now.

Questions?  Comments?

I would love your feedback and comments about this article if it has made you stop and simply think about your current situation and how you are managing your energy.  

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