Going for, going for goals.

Going for, going for goals. Do you love them or loathe them?

18th May 2021 -  4 minute read

18th May 2021 - 4 minute read

One of the reasons I'm passionate about Vision Boards is that it is a great start on the path to creating your goals. It's where you want to head towards. By picturing what it is you want to achieve and committing it to a board, you start the process of pre-suasion that allows your brain to accept the desired outcome as a reality.

Energetically, you are starting to bring it to life.

So many people shy away from creating Vision Boards or setting goals.

According to a Harvard Business study 83% of people don't set goals. 14% have a plan in mind but only 3% write them down.

Those that do write them down are 3 times more likely to succeed than those who plan but don't write them down or work to them. Staggering statistics.

Why does writing out your goals help you to achieve them?

First, and most obviously, it gives you clarity.
Clarity is essential if you are going to start taking action on what you want to achieve.
Seeing what you want in black and white allows you to be more
specific and begin the exciting process of exploring, innovating and navigating your way towards them. I encourage all Be Clear and Rise Vision Board Workshop participants, one to one clients and my VIP membership to create SMART with a heart goals that energise and uplift them.

Second, it allows you to have a reference point to review from monthly. In the VIP Visionary Lounge there is a bi monthly review of the milestones that are set every month towards the overarching annual goal and what the focus is for the coming 90 days. Using this marker it makes clear distance travelled, or not. It allows for celebration and revision if things aren't going to plan. Planning is King. Flexibility is Queen.

Third, it's a great motivator. Of course there are days when even the most visionary among us wake up and you are not feeling it. By tapping into the energy of your Vision Board and focusing on those SMART with a heart goals it supports the commitment you've made to yourself and your dreams.
It allows you to give yourself permission to recover if needed and go full steam ahead, whichever you need. Burning yourself out never helped realise a dream.
Using the goals, and Vision Board, to identify and clarify the ebb and flow of your activity is a great source of self care. It's a c
ommitment to the long game of your life.

Fourth, if you are a list junkie, there is nothing more dopamine inducing than ticking off that list and achievement. However, a word of caution for those with the hyper achiever saboteur dominating. It's really important to balance the list ticking and achievement cycle with rest, recovery and good energy management.
If you don't, you can create a monster rather than a dream scenario. Check that you have a good balance of feminine and masculine energy at play. (

Fifth, we need a deadline. Most people need some level of pressure (not stress) to take action on something. Left to drift we will simply focus on what is perceived as needing our immediate attention. When you work for someone else, that pressure comes from achieving what the job description and current strategy demands of you. When you are self employed it's important to create these milestones in an uplifting way. The deadlines are there as a nudge to keep you focused. They ensure you are using your time, energy and money in the right places. Some clients have found setting deadlines scary because they fear failure if they don't hit them. However, if you use each goal and deadline achieved, or not, as feedback to improve and expand, it never has to be scary again.

Finally, A study by the Dominican University of California found those that succeeded a 76% success rate in achieving the goals that they desired did the following:

  • Wrote down their goals
  • Wrote down regular action commitments
  • Shared these commitments with a coach, friend, accountability partner
  • Updated that coach, partner, friend with regular updates of wins, and learning when things didn't go to plan.

All reasons why I have an accountability system AND accountability buddies in the VIP Visionary Lounge.

Having clarity, committing to your Vision and being supported when things don't go to plan allows you to live your Vision everyday that you step into it's energy.

If you don't hit a goal? You review it with discernment, not with the Mean Little Cow voice on your shoulder. You come back again stronger with that new knowledge and a desire to implement it.
What other option is there for a visionary like YOU?

If you are a purpose driven visionary in business, join my free community THE NEXT LEVEL WOMAN's CLUB for more support and guidance on living your Vision now.

"Michala has a way of cutting through what you think you need to the heart of things with compassion which she balances with specific, actionable steps to go in that direction. Michala has helped me release some blocks ... and see things through a different lens. I'm stepping into the next phase of my Vision and my next level. Michala wants me to rise as much as I do." Erin Chamberlain, Write Now.


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