The Power of Vision for Productivity, profitability and performance

The Power of Vision for Productivity, Profitability and Performance

22 June 2021 -  4 minute read

18th May 2021 - 4 minute read

What is Vision? 

In simplest terms it’s a description of a person’s or organisation’s
aspirations and wider impact. In business terms it is the driving force of the business and will be used by the originator of the business to communicate the direction they want to head in, lead teams and will guide the decisions made to make that happen. 

Think of any
celebrated company in the world and they will have a Vision (and usually Mission) statement.

  • Tesla- To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. 
  • Nike - Bring aspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world. (8If you’ve got a body, you are an athlete.)
  • IKEA - To create a better everyday life for many people
  • TED - To spread  ideas.
  • Wood for the Trees Coaching - To fill the world with purpose driven visionaries who are thriving and bringing their Vision Boards to life, creating ripple effects with their impact.

Why is it important to have a Vision? 

Like anything, you can ignore t
he power of a Vision and not have one but it’s proven that the most successful businesses use their Visions to motivate and inspire their teams, inform their brand positioning and connect with their ideal clients. 

A Vision is powerful because it:

  1. Helps you make clear decisions. Not in alignment with your Vision, it’s not taking up time, money and energy.
  2. Keeps you motivated when faced with challenges. The going will inevitably get tough from time to time and connecting with your Vision helps to ride the rough waters.
  3. Supports you stepping out of your comfort zone. When the pull of your Vision and Mission are greater than the sound of your Mean Little Cow voice (inner critic) then you find you can do incredible things you might not have been able to conceive when you created that Vision. 

At Wood for the Trees Coaching there is another dimension to this in my Vision-In-Action Boards philosophy.

By using your board when you
fear taking the next step or are overwhelmed by a challenge or curveball that presents itself you can use these simple techniques to energetically tap into your Vision and rise above the current situation to find a way through. 

Mentally, you are showing your brain that you are
more than capable of creating a different reality and then it enables you to actually do it in real time

First, use
VISUALISATION to overcome the internal/external challenges you might be facing as you deliver on your Vision. 

See yourself making that big phone call, presenting that proposal, sending that press release to the national papers, being interviewed on national and international TV. Visualise your next level, confident self doing it with ease and in flow knowing that you are living your Vision now. 

Second, Recognise where you can live your Vision now. If you picture your
ideal working week, there will be elements of that week that you can create with no need for more resources, time or connections. Do it. The energy you embody now is what is going to get you to your end goal not some fictitious time in the future. This will:

  • Increase productivity as your actions become more focused on the impactful goals
  • Increase profitability as less faffing, direction changing and clarity of direction allows you to invest time and money in the areas which will allow for growth and expansion aligned to your end goal.
  • Increase performance as you live your Vision in real time you will appreciate and show gratitude for all the experiences, opportunities and learning you are experiencing, large and small, along the way. Making you more confident, engaged and joyful.

On my ‘Be Clear and Rise Vision-in-Action’ Board Workshops, I give you the space to
expand your Vision from the everyday ‘survival brain’ thinking that you can find yourself in when your business has plateaued, or you’ve become a slave to it. 

I’ve also witnessed with many
clients that you can have success that outgrows the Vision which started your business. Taking time to reconnect with where that expansion will elevate you is important. 

I ask you this:

What’s your
highest Vision for the impact you want to have with your business? 

If you want the space to answer this question and can identify with either of these situations, as a purpose driven business owner, I invite you to attend my Be Clear and Rise Vision-in-Action Business Board Workshop on July 9th at 7.30pm. A night in in, where we will lift the energetic expansion of your business and create a Vision you want to declare to the world. CLICK HERE for full details now.

There are Vision Board Workshops, then are Michala's Be Clear and Rise Vision-in-Action Board Workshops. Life changing."  Helen Price, LifeVantage, UK.


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