Why do SMARTHabits© save you time, money and bring your Vision to life?

Why do SMARTHabits© save you time, money and bring your Vision to life? 

20th September 2022

3 minute read

What the heck is a SMARTHabit©? 

SMARTHabits© are the
routine, rituals and coping tools you engage as a purpose driven visionary. They aim to energise, empower and give you motivation on days when you might be challenged. 

SMARTHabits© allow you to
manage your energy so that you can be happy, confident and engaged in all that you do. 

Working with 100s of visionaries over the years, it is clear that finding what works for you is a key ingredient to
productivity, profitability and performance. 

The truth is we all have routines and rituals, whether you are conscious of them or not. Some you do on automatic pilot. 

For example, think about what you do when you wake up in the morning. 

You will open your eyes and there will be certain actions that you will take nearly every day. From getting out of bed, taking a shower, eating breakfast, getting dressed etc you will pretty much do the same thing most days. 

Or consider how you respond when under pressure or feel stressed. Do you reach for a glass of wine to unwind or go for a run or play music loud to release the tension?

By becoming very conscious of your SMARTHabits© you can impact how your day plays out and how you feel in the middle of that. 

  • What SMARTHabits© would benefit you in the morning? 
  • What SMARTHabits© would benefit you when you are stressed or feeling unproductive? 
  • What SMARTHabits© would benefit you in the evening to end your day well?

Really consider what is going to help you and create great energy to fuel your days. Think about what type of energy you need for different parts of the day and different interactions. Managing your energy across the day can help you increase your productivity. No one can work in 6th gear indefinitely and not find themselves worn out or making mistakes. Equally, being in 1st gear all the time can lead to feeling lethargic and difficult to motivate. Find the right level of action and recovery for you.
(See my blog on Masculine and Feminine energy for more information on this.)

SMARTHabits© for the win.

Why is it worth thinking about and creating these SMARTHabits©? What might the results be for you as a purpose driven visionary? 

Starting your day well means that you create a good momentum for your day. This can make the difference between being incredibly productive and the 'Avoider Saboteur' having you binge watching Stranger Things or entering a YOUTube rabbit hole (swap in any procrastinating activity of your choice).

Having  ‘go to’ coping strategies that don't numb you out, mask the problem or give you a hangover can make all the difference to how you feel about you. They can build confidence, improve your relationship with yourself and genuinely help you recover in times of stress or challenge. This gives you great perspective and clarity. It allows you to be clear on where you invest your time, energy and money.

Ending your day consciously can make all the difference to your next day. Reflecting on what you chose to do the next day and what was great about today, can make all the difference to how you feel about your life. The quality of your sleep, what you eat for dinner, how you spend your evenings will all impact on how engaged and confident you feel. 

By becoming conscious and creating SMARTHabits© you can
live big parts of your Vision today. You can get more done in smaller pockets of time. You will enjoy higher levels of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual energy. 

not about what you should do. #sodtheshoulds. It's about deciding what is best for you, WHY and wanting to do it consistently because you are worth it.

If you want to look at how to feel good about yourself, live your Vision now and enjoy greater productivity and greater profitability then
email me on michala@woodforthetreescoaching.co.uk to discuss how we can work together to establish yours. 


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