Search for fun and you will find it

Search For Fun and You Will Find It

8th December 2021 - 3 minute read

8th December  - 5 minute read

Oh my goodness, there is a global weariness about isn’t there? I can feel it in my clients, in my online communities and for myself. 

This pandemic and the chopping and changing of rules. The feeling that it isn’t getting any better on the horizon is an energetic drain. It’s not surprising if you look at Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need. Our basic need for good health, personal safety and resources are being threatened in a way that is very different to our previous experiences. No wonder the fight, flight, freeze response is being triggered. 

It made me question my Vision, as my next big business steps involved travel and bringing people together. I know a lot of visionaries in my circle have had moments of ‘What’s the point?’ ‘Why can’t I find the motivation to do the big things right now?’ ‘I feel so burnt out from this whole experience, I’ve nothing left in the tank.’

As always, the questions we ask and how we ask them matters. 

But we’ll get to that. 

Be Kind to YOU.

Honestly, I just want you to give yourself a moment of empathy. It’s been the strangest of times and the changes and uncertainty we are experiencing will naturally trigger the survival brain. It’s totally human. 

If you need to regroup and recover then that is the best course of action to get you back in action. Just take a breath and give yourself that space. 

However, if you are like me I refuse to give into this flatlining energy. I refuse to live in the survival brain and be dominated by that ‘Mean Little Cow’ voice (inner critic). I refuse to resign myself and feel hopeless. It’s not that I am oblivious or immune from what is going on (I have a daughter off school AGAIN with Covid and was up all night with a vomiting dog!), but I refuse to remain in this downward spiralling energy. I choose acceptance and I will make the best of what is. How about you? 

I was talking with my wonderful copywriting mentor the other day and it became clear to me that since October, having recognised this little slump towards the low level energy the pandemic has created, I had a revelation. I have been consciously chasing fun and connection. 

What might lift your energetic vibration?

I’ve been to the theatre 5 times since September and have more visits booked for the New Year. Why? Because it is one of my happy places. I feel alive, rejuvenated and fully present when I am watching a show. I am transported to an elevating energy that excites, inspires and motivates me. Musical Theatre feeds my soul. 

I’ve also been hitting the beach in every weather. I can breathe on the beach in a way that I don’t breathe anywhere else. It’s expansive and enriching. If I need to release any negative emotions it’s an environment that enables me to do it fully. Cry, shout, dance or run like the wind. I can physically follow my emotion all the way through to its release. I don’t mask or repress it, but feel it fully, then let it go. 

I’ve been reading fiction books. Again, there is nothing so nurturing in these darker and gloomier days than snuggling down with a book and escaping to another world. I’m currently in Ireland and enjoying the landscapes and the lyrical langauge. 

I’ve been looking for opportunities to be silly or mischievous in my business and with family and friends. A trip to the insanity of Bongo Bingo with biz mates, afternoon tea on top of the Mersey with panoramic views and using daft filters to make my clients laugh have all brought a bit of fun to the everyday.

I’ve also set up a campaign to help others. ‘Light Up a Life with Love’ is a small local community project where I have joined forces with
Lighthouses Therapy Services and Co-op Funeralcare Southport/Formby. We have collected Christmas gifts for lonely, elderly people and the homeless, which we will be distributing in the coming weeks.

If you are feeling that there isn’t a point or that there is too much that is dark and miserable in the world, the antidote is helping others (only if your tank is full of course). Being the light in someone’s world is something you can control. Creating the energy you want to see in the world in small ways is making a difference and the ripple effects can go far.

I’ve stood in my kitchen with music full blast and danced like no one is watching. I’ve made an afternoon tea where we all dressed up for the occasion. I’ve snuggled up and introduced my treasures to 80/90s classic comedy films to mixed reviews and scared their pants off with Sixth Sense. LOL. It doesn’t have to cost you and you don’t have to go out to have fun. Simply look around for opportunities.

Finally, I’m finalising the details of a face to face Vision-in-Action Board Workshop early in the New Year. I’ve been resisting because of the fear of the rules changing and having to change dates etc, but I’m biting the bullet, because I can see visionaries in my network craving connection and desiring that energetic lift the event will provide. 

I’ve a dare, no a double dare, for YOU. 

Search out some fun this festive period. 

Look for it. 

Create it. 

Seek it out. 

What’s the alternative? 

There may be limits and the constant changes might be out of your control, but there are things
you can do to create moments of love, fun and connection. 

Rev up those Solution Focused Questions to shift your brain from Survival to Sage Brain* thinking. 

What will nurture and restore my energy?

Who might I offer support to in their hour of need? 

Where will I find fun?

Where will I make fun? 

Who will I connect with and be fully present? 

Where can I find some magic this festive period? 

Answer these questions for your personal and business life, for online and offline. Find moments of your day lift to meet you where you want to be. From there you will live aspects of  your Vision now
despite any external limitations or challenges that might present themselves.  Live life on purpose and enjoy what IS available to you. 

If you want to enjoy more uplifting content to enhance your visionary life, join me in the
Next Level Woman’s Club today. 


(If you feel you are experiencing serious mental health issues as a consequence of the pandemic seek support from medical professions or access services from organisations such as Mind or Samaritans)

“I realized I had lost sight of my dreams for my business. I was settling. That changed on the Vision-in-Action Board Workshop and now I am back on track.” Susan Thomas, USA.


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