Sod the Resolutions. Vive the Vision Revolution.

Sod the Resolutions.

Vive the Vision


12th January 2021 -  3 minute read

13th November 2020 - 4 minute read

How are your resolutions going so far?

 I'm not a big believer in New Year's resolutions as I think waiting for a new year to make changes is a waste of time, especially if you need to make a change in May! However, if Christmas and Covid-19 have left you feeling like a pulled cracker, perhaps this is one of many times to start afresh and create the best Vision of life you can imagine. 

There is something about this time of year, like a new school term or the beginning of Spring that has a renewal energy about it, but it’s proven that resolutions don’t work. According to Forbes, “Studies have shown that less than 25% of
people actually stay committed to their resolutions after just 30 days, and only 8% accomplish them.”

 Don't be part of that statistic.

In my opinion, it’s having a Vision of life that is revolutionary. Most people don’t dare to step near what their Vision of life could be because:

  • They fear failure.
  • They fear change.
  • They fear disappointment.
  • They fear ridicule.
  • They fear other’s opinions of them.
  • They fear not being good enough.

I know because I asked in some of my online networks what stops them from creating a Vision.

Clarity is Happiness.

Having redone my
Vision Board in May, and coming out of several difficult years on a personal level, I recognised that I would benefit from an expansion of my business Vision. 

set annual goals and then I set 90 day goals, which are aligned with the Vision. When I run my Be Clear and Rise Vision Board Workshops, this is exactly the process I take clients through, as well as connecting them energetically with the Vision. 

However, that is simply the beginning of it. I’m sorry to tell you I’m not one of those LOA people who believes you put it out there and ‘poof’ it appears. (It can happen for some things, but mostly you need to take some action for the energetic magic to happen.)

That’s why I am
passionate about helping purpose driven women put their dreams and goals on their boards, tap into it energetically, but then keep them accountable in my VIP Visionary Lounge in order to make it happen. 

Resolutions don’t happen for 92% of people because of
4  key issues:

  1. They often set them in an ‘AWAY FROM’ energy. This can work, but it feels negative and not uplifting for most people. 
  2. They set an intention which isn’t specific enough and they don’t have clarity of action steps so very quickly they lose momentum.
  3. They don’t have enough consequences or rewards to keep themselves making progress and subsequently procrastinate. 
  4. They lack accountability. 

In my VIP Visionary Lounge these needs are met.

  1. The Visions have been created in a ‘TOWARDS’ energy that is uplifting and energising, it is reviewed regularly to ensure this is the case. They understand their purpose and how they make a difference in the world every single day. 
  2. There is an opportunity to have very specific SMART with a heart goals, monthly performance milestones and set weekly tasks, which are reviewed fortnightly. 
  3. There is weekly celebration and genuine, compassionate challenge when action is off track. 
  4. There is accountability from me as the coach and accountability support from an accountability coupling that ensures your Vision is high in mind and results are being produced.

Avoid making resolutions.

Become a revolutionary visionary and make your Vision of life and business a reality, every day of the year.

If you are an ambitious, purpose driven woman who would like to be considered for the high energy group coaching in the VIP Visionary Lounge, then
apply here. (The Early Bird rate and bonus mini course ends 22nd January 2021.)

Let’s make this year count, regardless of the external storm.

Imagine what you could be celebrating a year from now with this next level support. 

"I increased my sales in the first couple of months thanks to the VIP Visionary Lounge. Not only that I started to attract more of my ideal clients and I have streamlined my business so that I thrive in it too. Thank you Michala for this expansive group coaching experience." Sarah Hall , UK


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